
Table of Contents


Example Major Number Increments

Increasing the MAJOR number is intended to signify potentially breaking changes.

Within Terraform provider development, some examples include:

Example Minor Number Increments

MINOR increments are intended to signify the availability of new functionality or deprecations of existing functionality without breaking changes to the previous version.

Within Terraform provider development, some examples include:

Example Patch Number Increments

Increasing the PATCH number is intended to signify mainly bug fixes and to be functionally equivalent with the previous version.

Within Terraform provider development, some examples include:

Change Log

The changelog should live in a top level file in the project, named CHANGELOG or CHANGELOG.md.

Information in the changelog should broken down as follows:

## 1.0.0 (Unreleased)


* Resource `network_port` has been removed [GH-1]


* **New Resource:** `cluster` [GH-43]


* resource/load_balancer: Add `ATTRIBUTE` argument (support X new functionality) [GH-12]
* resource/subnet: Now better [GH-22, GH-32]

## 0.2.0 (Month Day, Year)



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